FSIS To Close And Consolidate 5 District Offices Over The Next Two Years
Secretary Vilsack announced on January 9 that USDA’s Blueprint for Stronger Service, which calls for significant cost-cutting measures within the USDA administrative structure. USDA estimates the measures—which include closing 259 domestic offices and 7 foreign offices, in addition to other cost-cutting measures—will save the department nearly $150 million annually. The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) will be affected primarily through the consolidation of its 15 current district offices into 10. The Lawrenceville, KS; Beltsville, MD; Minneapolis, MN; Albany, NY; and Madison, WI offices will be closed. In a conference call after the Secretary’s speech, Administrator Almanza and other FSIS officials indicated they had not yet determined into which remaining districts these offices will be consolidated. The agency anticipates completing the consolidation in the 2013 fiscal year.
A USDA press release, with links to information about how the various USDA Mission Areas will be affected, is available at http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/usdahome?contentid=2012/01/0003.xml.